Connecting people and healthcare teams for high-quality care.
Lumeo is a new health information system connecting you and your healthcare teams for high-quality care.
Secure access to your health information from our six partner organizations:
Brockville General Hospital
Kingston Health Sciences Centre
Lennox and Addington County General Hospital
Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital
Providence Care
Quinte Health
Lumeo benefits everyone:
One online system for better, faster information sharing
Secure access to a shared medical record between our six healthcare organizations (33 sites) - for you and your healthcare providers
A HealtheLife Portal to access your health information, test results, upcoming appointments and educational resources
Less use of paper and handwritten notes
A way for caregivers to review information from appointments
Note: medical records from your family doctor/ healthcare team are not included in Lumeo.
People receiving care:
Shared medical records across six organizations for collaborative care
Medications and other instructions are immediately part of the medical record
Timely access to results, appointments and health histories
Fewer duplicate tests due to incomplete records
Healthcare Providers:
Real-time electronic records at the point of care
Standardized workflows - know what to expect at your appointment
Computerized order entry for medications and other instructions
Integrated plans of care across our partner organizations
Health Systems:
Explore Lumeo
Access your digital health record, view appointments, test results and more!
Learn more about the partners working together to improve the safety and quality of your care
View our FAQs to learn more about the project and our timelines